Creating Meaningful PD
In accordance with the image above, instructional leaders were led through a series of interactive steps toward creating meaningful and effective PD; they were asked to:
- Define meaningful/real-world outcomes
- An authentic application experience
- Finding meaning-making resources
- Using the 4 Cs
- Formative Assessments
- Technology integration
In retrospect, what we came to find was that these steps mirror what the Smarter Balanced Assessment is asking of our students: take a real-world experience and create a product using multiple, meaning-making resources (stimuli), while using the 4 Cs, and answer formative assessment questions (the research questions), all while using technology.
Participants had ample time to get to know each other while working through the steps toward effective PD, and also during networking time.
Future Core Coaching Network meetings will focus on three important elements:
- Strategies to design dynamic PD based on adult learning theory
- Content-area specific data, coaching, and pedagogy
- Opportunities for participants to collaborate and network as they problem-solve, share district practices, and work in partnership on projects
Join Us!
If you are an instructional leader who is interested in...
- Advancing your design and delivery of professional development for 21st century curriculum and instruction, including cutting-edge technology tools
- Learning and being able to share best practices for adult learning as well as how to facilitate systems transformation
- Developing a strong community through shared expertise and time to network with job-alike colleagues from neighboring districts
- Deepening your Common Core content knowledge
- Learning how to align tasks and assessments to Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium expectations
then come be a part of the Core Coaching Network!
The cost is a fee of $1,000 per school district (this covers all participants from that district for the school year). Please click here to register: https://2014corecoachingnetwork.eventbrite.com. For registration questions, contact Michael Lee at mlee@acoe.org.
By Maria Vlahiotis, Literacy Specialist
By Maria Vlahiotis, Literacy Specialist
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